Our unique products make use of statistical analyses to help
clients resolve two key issues:

At our trade show booths, we get asked lots of questions by
landlords. But easily the most frequent question is “How do I
figure out which new tenants belong in my shopping center?” (Or
on my vacant land?)
Nobody wants to waste their time calling on retailers who won’t
be interested in opening a store in their area. It can save so
much time – and get a deal done more quickly – if you focus only
on the companies who are going to be most receptive to your
Until recently, there hasn’t been a logical, formulaic way to
determine who might be the most interested in your site. But
now, Site Analytics has developed a process to do just that.
Give us a list of 50 retailers who you think might be good
candidates. We’ll then analyze the types of trade areas which
those retailers have selected in the past. We’ll rank those 50
in order of “most likely to be interested” in your property. The
report which we return to you is called the Tenant Prioritizer.
You can then devote your energies towards pitching to the
candidates who want to listen.
Another version of the Tenant Prioritizer helps you identify
who you should target for your property by identifying tenants
who typically open in your type of environment.

Clients use the EvaluSite Report to help them attract a
specific, targeted tenant to their shopping center.
How often does this happen to you: You’ve identified one (or a
few) retailers whom you very much want in your center. You send
them your standard marketing materials…and then they don’t
return your calls? Or they tell you they’re not interested in
your market?
The EvaluSite Report helps landlords in both of these
situations. Clients use them when they want to make a good first
impression on the retailer—when they want to make sure their
materials get read. And, they use them to help remove doubts
that a retailer may have about their type of neighborhood.
Retailers receive dozens of site packages each week. They often
don’t have time to read through them or start conducting
analyses. So you need to grab their attention. You need to prove
that your site really could work for them. You need to let them
know you are truly interested in attracting them to your
And they need to see that your site is truly similar to other
stores they’ve opened in the past.
How does it work? To create an EvaluSite Report, we find 20 or
30 other sites which that retailer has opened in your region.
Then we gather up to 1,000 different demographic datapoints for
each of those comparable sites. We focus on the most relevant
factors to determine if your site is similar to—or better
than—the types of stores they’ve opened in the past.